Arabic Grammar for Beginners

Learn Real Arabic

Von Mohamed Elshenawy

Buchcode: 450522


Englisch als Zweitsprache, Arabisch, Bildung, Kurse und Sprachen

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Arabic is a difficult language to learn because of its many obscure grammatical rules, which are fairly easy to mess up--even for native speakers. While it’s easy for non-native speakers to get overwhelmed by confusing grammar rules, in this book, we'll provide you with tips that will help you understand the rules more easily and give you lots of practice with the tricky grammar of Arabic grammar. Starting with the basics rules of Arabic grammar "structure of Grammar" then we go deep through phonology, morphology, and Arabic syntax. With the help of this book, you will be able to learn how to write, read and pronounce Arabic.

Arabic grammar has almost the same structure as English grammar.

We arrange words to make proper sentences. Word level grammar covers verbs and tenses, nouns, adverbs, etc. Sentence level grammar covers phrases, clauses, reported speech, etc.

the structure and system of Arabic grammar, in general, are usually considered to consist of Phonology, syntax, and morphology.

We have 2 types of Arabic grammar (Classical Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic, which have largely the same grammar) and of the colloquial spoken varieties of Arabic.

The grammar of the two types is largely similar in its particulars. Generally, the grammar of Classical Arabic is described first, followed by the areas in which the colloquial variants tend to differ (note that not all colloquial variants have the same grammar).

The differences between the classical/standard and the colloquial Arabic are the loss of morphological markings in grammatical case

Why should I get this book?

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We have connected Arabic grammar to the English one, to make it easier for you during your studying. You will realize that there is not much difference between Arabic and English Grammar structures.

You will learn the structure of Arabic grammar which is Phonology, syntax, and morphology.

You will learn the basics and the rules of Arabic syntax, which contain the major components of grammar

You will learn the basics and the rules of Arabic morphology which include the changes which happen to a word when expressing different genders and numbers.

Who is this book for?

1- people who are doing business with the Arab world.

2- people who Are into diplomatic or cultural relations.

3- people who often travel to the Arab world

4- people who live in an Arab country

5- people who Are planning for a job in an Arab country.

6- people who are related to Islam

7- people who have an interest in Arab culture and affairs

8- people who have Arab family members

9- people whose work involves contact with Arab immigrant communities

10- people who enjoy the challenge of learning new languages


Seitenanzahl 101
Ausgabe 1 (2022)
Sprache Englisch

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Mohamed Elshenawy

Meu nome é Mohamed, sou egípcio e brasileiro, professor de idiomas e o fundador do site da Escolaonline Academy. Tenho muitos projetos e cursos diferentes com professores experientes e nativos. Comecei a trabalhar com cursos online e livros há mais de 10 anos. Falo 6 línguas o que me ajuda a me comunicar e a ensinar em vários idiomas.


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