THE IRREFUTABLE LAWS OF LEADERSHIP: Applied to Missionary Work and Global Evangelism

Developing your leadership

Von Macson Pontes

Buchcode: 635951


Missionen und Evangelisation, Führung und Ministry, Biblische Kultur

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Who is this book for?

This book is an adaptation of John Maxwell's work, a read that changed my life. I was already in the mission field when I received this book as a gift, and after reading it, I asked myself, "Why didn't I read this book earlier?" The work offers valuable insights into the fundamental laws of leadership, providing practical principles for developing solid leadership skills that address concepts like influence, respect, intuition, connection, growth, sacrifice, and many others.

While the focus is on leadership, I have adapted these laws and applied them to Mission Work and Global Evangelism in the fulfillment of Jesus' Great Commission. In this read, we will summarize the highlighted leadership laws and their practical application in Mission Work and Global Evangelism, demonstrating how they can be essential for the growth and impact of evangelistic activities around the world in accordance with the Holy Bible. We will discover how these laws can strengthen mission work and global evangelism, empowering leaders and propelling the advancement of God's Kingdom.


RELIGIOUS LEADERS: Pastors, missionaries, evangelists, and ecclesiastical leaders who wish to enhance their leadership skills and apply them more effectively in promoting faith and carrying out missionary activities.

VOLUNTEERS AND COLLABORATORS: Individuals involved in missionary work and evangelism who wish to understand how leadership can contribute to the success of their initiatives and their impact on the world.

ACADEMIC STUDENTS: Those studying theology, missiology, or religious leadership may find the book useful to broaden their understanding of the connections between leadership and missionary work.

ANYONE FOCUSED ON LEADERSHIP: Although the primary focus is on leadership within the religious context, John Maxwell's leadership laws have universal applications, and anyone interested in developing their leadership skills can benefit from reading this book.

In summary, this book aims to combine the principles of leadership with the fulfillment of Jesus' Great Commission, providing practical guidance for religious leaders and others involved in mission work and global evangelism, to strengthen and expand the reach of faith and the message of the gospel.

Get your copy now, or more copies to gift and add value to your leader(s), collaborator(s), colleague(s), or friend(s) with this enriching read.


ISBN 978-65-266-1465-5
Seitenanzahl 84
Ausgabe 1 (2024)
Format A5 (148x210)
Einband Taschenbuch mit Klappen
Farbe Schwarz-Weiß
Papiertyp Uncoated offset 75g
Sprache Englisch

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Sprechen Sie mit dem Autor

Macson Pontes

Macson Pontes, brasileiro, carioca morando no Espírito Santo.

Autor do Blog:

Graduado em Letras: Português / Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas - FAACZ.

Mestrando em Linguística Aplicada ao Ensino do Inglês como Língua Estrangeira - Universidad Europea del Atlántico

Pós Graduado em Ensino de Inglês com Ênfase em Novas Tecnologia - UNESA.

Pós Graduado em Tradução do inglês - UNESA

Bacharel em Teologia - CETEO.

Profissional Coach formado pela Sociedade Latino Americana de Coaching e certificação reconhecida pela IAC - International Association of Coaching.

Professor voluntário na Missão Transcultural Shekinah em Vitória-ES

Professor de Inglês Básico para Missões

Professor de Inglês na Rede Pública

Consultor de Negócios Online.

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