Basic Astrology Learn to Interpret your Natal Chart

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Didaktisch, Körper, Geist und Seele

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This book is not a smorgasbord of astrology. You will not find a single word about a sign’s signature flower, gemstone, favorite color, or average shoe size in this book. Only the essential meanings of the signs, planets, houses, and aspects, simply but deeply defined, are present, not flaky keywords and stereotypes that contain no personalized meaning. You will also learn how to quickly get into the nitty-gritty of interpreting a chart with skill and insight. You will find out how to get to the deepest layers of a natal chart, and bring what is most essential and meaningful to the surface. Many valuable and interesting topics branch out from these essentials, such as the study of asteroids, comets, fixed stars, decanates, or transits and progressions. All of these topics are worthy of further study and can enrich your knowledge and application of astrology, but they all build off of an understanding of the essentials of natal astrology.


Seitenanzahl 238
Ausgabe 1 (2024)
Sprache Englisch

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