Black sheep

Von Maria Elena Pena Louredo Martins

Buchcode: 301262


Drama, Ficção, Psicologia, Personalidade, Psicologia Social, Sagas

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Black sheep refers to a popular expression used to represent the peculiarity of a person who is different from others, that is, that is outside the standards considered normal by their social group. Therefore, the author, based on psychological plot and reality-inspired characters, presents in each of her stories social problems that are well focused on our days whose characters are on the fringes of society due to the deviations of standards imposed by the very conditions favored by the parents. The plot involves poor families, in which social conditions do not favor changes in behavior or social or economic improvements, thus creating conformist situations that, even trying to be happy, do not succeed. This is the case with Eustáquio and Leila with their five daughters, becoming Josi, the eldest daughter, as the centerpiece of the narrative, who goes all her life and goes to Calvary with all her offspring. As if that were not enough, life stories repeat and as if they were not enough, the story of the couple Leo and Aline, and other people heard by them, became important to compose this work.


ISBN 978-16-972-4816-6
Seitenanzahl 150
Ausgabe 1 (2019)
Format A5 (148x210)
Einband Taschenbuch
Farbe Schwarz-Weiß
Papiertyp Offset 90g
Sprache Inglês

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Sprechen Sie mit dem Autor

Maria Elena Pena Louredo Martins

Maria Elena Pena Louredo Martins, nascida em Montes Claros em 11 de dezembro de 1953. Formada no Curso Normal de Primeiro Grau, pela Escola Estadual Professor Plínio Ribeiro; no curso básico de Inglês, pelo Centro Cultural Brasil Estados Unidos; licenciada em Pedagogia, através da Unimontes, Montes Claros, Minas Gerais. Após licenciar em Pedagogia, se especializou em Supervisão de Segundo grau e Administração Escolar de Primeiro e Segundo Graus, pela Faculdade de Educação Antônio Augusto Reis Neves e pós-graduação em Didática - Fundamentos Teóricos da Prática Pedagógica, pela faculdade de Educação São Luís, Jaboticabal, São Paulo. Maria Elena é católica, casada e mãe de coração.

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