Christianity is the greatest contribution to Cognition and Language.

On the Shoulders of João Guimarães Rosa 1965

Von Elias do Amaral Viana - "O reacionário da língua"

Buchcode: 349109


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Christianity is the greatest contribution to Cognition and Language.

On the Shoulders of João Guimarães Rosa 1965

Elias do Amaral Viana “The Language Reactionary”

Language is my metaphysical elemento

1 - Only by Renewing the Language Can the World be Renewed. (João Guimarães Rosa, 1965).

2 - Life Takes Shape in Language. (João Guimarães Rosa, 1965).

3 - Language and Life are one. (João Guimarães Rosa, 1965).

4 - Does Language Make Man a Creator? Can man repeat the process of creation? (João Guimarães Rosa, 1965).

5 - The Language has its mysteries and needs Christianity to be purified. (João Guimarães Rosa, 1965, Language purification)

6 - Without the Consciousness of Original Sin, Without the Conscience of Good and Evil. (João Guimarães Rosa, 1965)

7 - Language Reactionary: From Symbols to Intellectually Conventional Codes.

Gershom Scholem:

"It made Kabbalah a mode of intellectual cognition based on previous mystical experience."

J. Campbell: "Spiritual man, he found in the literature of faith the principles common to the human spirit"


1) It can be continuously resumed (Kabbalah from the Hebrew Le Kibel, to receive).

2) It can transform into a progress of metamorphosis and acquire a new look.

3) Being exposed to a rupture linked to the rejection of tradition itself (SCHOLEM, G., 1999, p.129).

Christianity is the greatest contribution to Cognition and Language.

1) Christianity can be continually resumed.

2) Christianity becomes a progress of metamorphosis and I acquired a new guise.

3) Christianity is exposed to a rupture linked to the rejection of Christianity itself.


Seitenanzahl 99
Ausgabe 1 (2020)
Format A5 (148x210)
Einband Taschenbuch mit Klappen
Farbe Schwarz-Weiß
Papiertyp Uncoated offset 75g
Sprache Englisch

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Elias do Amaral Viana - "O reacionário da língua"

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Sou Pastor Batista, Mestre em Divindade e Pós em Ciência da Religião. 42 anos, casado com a Pedagoga Gisele Almeida da Silva Viana. Pai de dois filhos: João Gabriel Almeida da Silva Viana e Davi Almeida da Silva Viana.

Meu primeiro livro foi Alberto Ribeiro Lamego "Gente da Gente"

Hoje, 14/06/2020, já tenho alguns livros publicados.

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