Command Magic and "Autism"

Command Magic in Relation to "Autism"

Von Thomas Wilson

Buchcode: 752882


Übernatürlich, Studium der Magie, Magie, Familie, Esoterik, Selbsthilfe, Natur, Künste, Körper, Geist und Seele, Fiktion

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The Book "Command Magic and Autism": The Power of Mental and/or Verbal Magical Commands on the Environment of Elements and Mind

This book transports readers into a fascinating world where magic and neurology merge. Told from the perspective of a highly intelligent and hypersensitive protagonist who identifies himself as a "highly probable autistic," and enriched by the observations of his wife, a doctor of medicine, the work provides a unique insight into the relationship between language, thought, and reality.


The protagonist describes his world as one defined by extreme perception and profound understanding. From a young age, he senses a strange connection between his thoughts and his surroundings. What initially appears as mere fantasy becomes increasingly real: when he utters specific words, either mentally or aloud, they seem to have a tangible effect on the elements around him. Rain that suddenly stops when he focuses on it. Candle flames that flicker when he thinks commands. People who appear to unconsciously comply with his silent wishes.

The Path to Understanding

As the story unfolds, the protagonist confronts his "highly probable autism" and realizes that his unique perception of the world allows him to penetrate the invisible web of energy, intention, and language. He begins to experiment and develops a method he calls "command magic"—the deliberate use of clear, precise thoughts and words to influence reality. In the process, he discovers the subtle power of structure and syntax in language and thought—a fascinating interplay that enables him to "direct" the elements of the world on an unseen level.

But his gift also comes with dangers: the boundaries between ethical behavior and manipulation blur. What happens if he influences people against their will?

The Inner Conflict

At the heart of the book lies the protagonist’s inner conflict: Is his gift a blessing or a curse? His efforts to use his abilities to help others repeatedly lead him into dangerous gray areas. At the same time, it becomes clear that his "autism" not only makes him more receptive to these magical connections but also imposes a special responsibility on him. He sees himself as a bridge between two worlds—the visible and the invisible—and must learn to bear this burden.

A Universal Appeal

The story culminates in a profound message: thoughts, words, and intentions have power. Every person, the protagonist argues, has the potential to influence their surroundings—whether through magical means or the everyday power of language. This book is not just an engaging novel about magic and autism but also a philosophical work that encourages readers to reflect on the impact of their words and thoughts on the world.


"Command Magic and Autism" is an intense, thought-provoking, and action-packed narrative about self-discovery, responsibility, and the immense power hidden in language and thought. A book that not only transports readers into a magical world but also raises profound questions about ethics, empathy, and the understanding of reality.


ISBN 978-65-266-3134-8
Seitenanzahl 113
Ausgabe 1 (2024)
Format A5 (148x210)
Einband Taschenbuch mit Klappen
Farbe Schwarz-Weiß
Papiertyp Coated Silk 150g
Sprache Englisch

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Thomas Wilson

Thomas Wilson – Der echte Magier

Thomas Wilson, geboren vor 47 Jahren, ist ein Mann mit außergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten und einem ganz besonderen Lebensweg. Als echter Magier – nicht zu verwechseln mit einem Zauberer, der lediglich Tricks vorführt – hat er seine magischen Begabungen in den Mittelpunkt seines Lebens und seiner Arbeit gestellt.

Sein erstes Buch, das sich mit magischen Fähigkeiten beschäftigt, markiert einen neuen Meilenstein in seinem Leben. In diesem Werk teilt er sein Wissen und seine Erfahrungen, um andere in die faszinierende Welt der echten Magie einzuführen.

Ursprünglich als Bürokaufmann ausgebildet, hat Thomas Wilson seinen beruflichen Horizont erweitert und ist nun auch als Autor tätig. Diese neue Rolle erlaubt es ihm, seiner Leidenschaft für die Magie Ausdruck zu verleihen und sein Wissen einem breiteren Publikum zugänglich zu machen.

Abseits seines beruflichen Lebens ist Thomas ein stolzer Vater einer Tochter, die ihn inspiriert und motiviert. Seine Geschichte zeigt, dass es nie zu spät ist, neue Wege zu gehen und die eigene Berufung zu finden.

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