The son of high magic surrounding the elect

Von Eliel Roshveder

Buchcode: 522124


Übernatürlich, Ufos und Außerirdische, Okkultismus, Fantastischer Realismus, Eschatologie, Körper, Geist und Seele

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Corpus's strength was in death meditation, in Draconian Kabbalah. Meditating he managed to throw a terrible cloud of demons into the life of the person possessing him. He also used conjuration, which is the magic word spoken obeying rites and incantations, but meditation was enough for him to destroy a person. In meditation he monitored various elect in the world. The process took place as follows. While he was meditating on one of his bases, the name or image of an elect came into his mind and then he knew that that elect was strong with the light and was going to harm the chaos. It was time to start doing spoken spells, but also to meditate to destroy that being of light that bothered the darkness...

All scorpions practice this type of meditation, as it is the battle of light against chaos, in their case of darkness against light, as it is written in the Essene war manuscript found in the Dead Sea scrolls.

The Essenes foresaw this war of the end generated by the 144,000 elect of light against the 144,000 elect of chaos.

The scorpions want to create a group of 144,000 elect of chaos, but they are too possessed to complete the number, so this mystical number is completed by elect of chaos from other Orders not only of the Yellow Horse of the Apocalypse, also of the Black, Red Horse it's white.

The incarnations of chaos are on earth to fight against La Prima Vita, the essence of divine light, the celestial firstfruits, 144,000 elect of light on earth and it is these that Corpus and his friends want to destroy.

As one of the 144,000 elect of chaos Corpus had an important role, as there are 144,000 parallel universes and one of these universes is represented by him.

He could enter the person's room through the threshold and the person could not see it and for that he used the mirrors, but usually Corpus stayed in front of the person's house meditating using a vehicle that was not always of this world. He could also meditate on the roof of one's house or anywhere where there was more magnetism, as he used teleportation to go where he wanted.


ISBN 9798215497463
Seitenanzahl 115
Ausgabe 1 (2023)
Format A5 (148x210)
Einband Taschenbuch mit Klappen
Farbe Schwarz-Weiß
Papiertyp Uncoated offset 75g
Sprache Englisch

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Sprechen Sie mit dem Autor

Eliel Roshveder

Escrevi antologias de poesias e contos e tenho publicado ebooks na net na Amazon e outras empresas, e agora resolvi publicar no clube dos autores.

Tenho um grupo no face que estuda mistérios e conspirações.

Gosto da cabala e da meditação.

Também estudo ufologia, tendo sido contatado e abduzido.

Minha vida é ligada a mundos paralelos e dimensões.

Estudo profecias, mistérios e conspirações, Apocalipse e mudanças no planeta.

A terra caminha para um momento importante.

O Apocalipse é real e está perto.

Conheça minhas obras e vão gostar.

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