Focused on the new job, I decided to adapt the company's way of collecting debts, the focus is to create an environment of interaction for collector and debtor to have satisfaction in solving the debt.
The first focus was to change the name of the sector from “COLLECTION” to “EDUCATIONAL INVESTMENT AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT” sector, in this way an incredible channel for debt moderation was created.
I noticed the need for material that provided information on how to deal with Financial Education in the most diverse age groups, for this I consulted an AI, which offered me all the necessary subsidies to carry out this work.
I had to ask the “RIGHT QUESTIONS” and the AI gave the content to transform a “FAILED FINANCIAL LIFE” into a “VICTORIOUS AND CONTAGIOUS FINANCIAL LIFE”.
ISBN | 978-65-266-3070-9 |
Seitenanzahl | 63 |
Ausgabe | 1 (2024) |
Format | A5 (148x210) |
Einband | Taschenbuch mit Klappen |
Farbe | Farbig |
Papiertyp | Uncoated offset 75g |
Sprache | Englisch |
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