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The aim of this first book (pardon our prolixity and allergy to academic neurotic methodologizing), which we believe will be the first of many to be written, is to propose a reading of the evolution of Freud's thinking on the subject of education. We have carried out a detailed analysis (we ask for your patience), book by book, highlighting the passages where Freud deals with the subject of "EDUCATION", through a systematic dynamic thematic reading, culminating in an understanding of the latent structure of Freud's written manifestos, so that we will be leading our esteemed readers to a systematization of Freudian thought on the subject of Education, which we invite you to appreciate in this unprecedented work.
ISBN | 9786501113012 |
Seitenanzahl | 374 |
Ausgabe | 1 (2024) |
Format | A5 (148x210) |
Einband | Taschenbuch mit Klappen |
Farbe | Schwarz-Weiß |
Papiertyp | Uncoated offset 90g |
Sprache | Englisch |
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