The Educator in Sigmund Freud

Von Darlan de Almeida Lima

Buchcode: 741851


Bildungspsychologie, Education, Pädagogen, Bildung / Verwaltung, Psychologie, Bildung

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It is with great responsibility, humility, recognition and gratitude to God and to our personal efforts that we present this second book in the first version of the Psychoanalysis and Education series. Continuing on the subject of education, we highlight the issue of teaching. We tried to understand the concepts of the words (teacher, master, professor, doctor, educator, pedagogue and educator) in Sigmund Freud's work, in which we initially presented the references and then drew up interpretative comments on how Freud's knowledge of the subject, described in the manifesto of the texts, is latent. We have made a detailed analysis, book by book, highlighting the passages where Freud deals with these themes, involving the person of the educator, being as a school teacher or like a college professor through a systematic dynamic thematic reading, so we invite you to enjoy this unprecedented work.


Seitenanzahl 345
Ausgabe 1 (2024)
Format A5 (148x210)
Einband Taschenbuch mit Klappen
Farbe Schwarz-Weiß
Papiertyp Uncoated offset 90g
Sprache Englisch

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