Studying Mediumship

Spiritist Literature

Von "M. Peralva"

Buchcode: 761133


Geist & Körper, Lebenswissenschaften, Stressbewältigung, Beratung, Körper, Geist und Seele, Geistlicher Kampf, Selbsthilfe

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This is a fabulous work of Spiritist literature. It is essential reading for anyone involved in mediumship and its implications. The text teaches that true mediumship cannot exist without Jesus Christ; those who practice it without His guidance are putting themselves at risk, potentially compromising their well-being by attracting darkness. Additionally, it addresses the mission of mediums and the dangers they face when they become vain, prideful, and neglectful.

"Gospel in the heart and Doctrine in the mind - this is the ideal type of medium on the earthly scene."


Seitenanzahl 100
Ausgabe 1 (2025)
Sprache Englisch

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