Simulator Fiktion Poesie Selbsthilfe Kinder- und Jugendliteratur Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften Sachliteratur Bildung Künste Philosophie Religion Ingenieurwesen und Technologie Verwaltung Informatik Psychologie Biografie Alle Kategorien anzeigen
This book contains real events where, the writer and his friends frequented several favela communities, for two years. Information collections, social and behavioral monitoring of residents were made. This theme clarifies the myths and untruths that are supposed to be understood or mentioned by people who are unaware of the internal reality of the communities. They are communities, from slums, located in Brazil and that the facts, customs, dialects and other factors related to internal events, do not differ between them. The information contained in this documentary is exclusively related to personal determinations, renouncing those that do not matter to the theme.
Seitenanzahl | 121 |
Ausgabe | 1 (2020) |
Format | A5 (148x210) |
Einband | Taschenbuch mit Klappen |
Farbe | Schwarz-Weiß |
Papiertyp | Uncoated offset 75g |
Sprache | Portugiesisch |
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